NENC MatNeo Health Safety Collaborative Local Learning System

27/09/2019 9:30 am @ Durham County Cricket Club

Event Details

  • Durham County Cricket Club, Emirates Riverside, Chester le Street, County Durham, , DH3 3QR

**This event has now passed**


Display Board Presentations


North Cumbria

North Tees and Hartlepool


South Tees

South Tyneside and Sunderland

County Durham and Darlington


Gateshead poster – Gestational Diabetes

Gateshead poster – Hypoglycaemia

Gateshead poster – Hypoglycaemia 2



Presentations from the event

Improvement Toolkit 

How to join Q:

Save the Date!  Next MatNeo event 2 December 2019


Since 2017 the North East and North Cumbria region has been involved in the National Maternal and Neonatal Health Safety Collaborative.Every three months organisations and individuals based in the region come together to discuss progress and hear about our regional projects as well as individual Trust projects.In the North East and North Cumbria we are proud of the work going on and the progress being made, so if you would like to hear more then please do come along to the event. Everyone is welcome.


Morning Session:

0900: Registration

0930-1215: Regional MatNeo Learning System


Afternoon Session:

1300-1545: Regional MatNeo Learning System – Focus on the CTG system-wide project

Certificate of attendance